One of the biggest things that makes us stand out against our competition is the excitement and frenzy of the The Original Bid Board.
For years, The Rookie has been the hot spot to allow collectors to bid on some of the hottest merchandise in the hobby. Each week the Bid Board has new, freshly stocked items ready for your bids. The Bid Board closes each week on Saturday at 2:30 pm. This is often a planned weekly event for many of our customers.
THE original BID BOARD
for buyers
If you are a Buyer you have until the following Thursday to pick up and pay for any items that you win. Items that are not picked up by the close of business on Thursday are put in the overdue item location.
for sellers
If you are a Seller, the pay out for the items you sell are as follows:
1. If the item sells for $2-5 the store keeps $1
2. If it sells for $6-9 the store keeps 20%
3. If it sells for $10 or more the store keeps 15%